February 6, 2020

How to prepare for a video interview

You’ve been invited to a video interview, but you don’t know what to expect. Here’s our simple guide to video interviews.

What is a video interview?

A video interview is a job interview that takes place remotely using video technology. Video interviews are often used in the early stages of the recruitment process and are becoming more common, with many companies using them to speed up the hiring process. They provide a simple, convenient method of presenting a candidate to the hiring manager.

What to expect from a video interview

The interview is usually in the form of a live two-way video call with one of Jumar’s recruitment consultants, in order to meet and screen candidates online. Once a convenient time has been arranged, a link to start the interview will be sent out. This link can be accessed on any internet connected device. On the call there will be an initial briefing before recording begins. The interview is recorded and sent to the client so they can be reviewed at a convenient time.

How to prepare for a video interview

You should treat the call as you would a traditional interview. Ensure you are just as prepared as you would be for a face-to-face, office-based interview. Here are some simple steps to follow to make sure your video interview goes smoothly:

  1. Check your internet connection and test your audio and video before the interview starts to make sure everything is working correctly.
  2. Choose a plain background – The interviewer and the ultimate client will know that you are at home, but please try to find a plain, uncluttered background that will allow them to focus on you.
  3. Lighting is very important – Make sure the lighting (whether from a window or lightbulb) is illuminating your face and is not behind you or directly overhead. If the light source is behind you, you will simply be turned into a silhouette. Overhead lighting creates shadows and can be unflattering.
  4. Location – ensure your laptop is placed on a firm surface that will not move if you need to make notes or look through documents. Even a small movement of your device will cause an obvious wobble on the recipient’s screen.
  5. Make sure you aren’t interrupted – if you share a house, make sure everyone is aware that you must not be interrupted. Also ensure that any pets are kept out of the area, and potential ringing phones are out of earshot.
  6. Dress for the job – Even though most of it will be out of shot, you should dress exactly as you would if you were going to a face-to-face interview. It can have a strong effect on your mindset, attitude and speech, and will reinforce that you are in professional environment.
  7. Make eye contact – One of the most counter-intuitive aspects of video calling is that the camera and the other party are not – from your perspective – in the same place. By looking into the other person’s eyes, they will see you looking slightly downwards, which prevents you from making that all important eye contact. If you can, try to look at the camera, rather than the other person. This takes practice to get right, so it is worth rehearsing before the actual interview.

By following these simple steps, you will be well prepared for your video interview. However, if you would like more information or guidance about how to prepare for a video interview, please get in touch.

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