September 4, 2020

How to set up your job search

Starting to look for a new job can be a daunting task at the best of times. With the current global situation, UK recession and unprecedented job market it can be even harder to stand out from the crowd. But it is possible to find a new job in the current market and here at Jumar we’ve put together some hints and tips to help you with your job search.

Here are five key elements to setting up your job search:

1. The most obvious one – Updating your CV

To start your job search you’ll need to bring your CV up to date. This needs to include your most recent role, any new qualifications you’ve gained, new skills acquired and references.

Depending on your position, it’s important to bring out what projects you’ve worked on, technologies you’ve worked with, budgets adhered to, and key achievements. Include keywords to make your CV easily searchable. 

Have a look at job descriptions for your ideal role, pick out the keywords and make sure those are incorporated into your CV.

2. Being visible! – Social media

Today there are more job vacancies on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter than ever before. Make the most of these resources by following, connecting and engaging with the right companies and industry leaders. 

This will help identify new opportunities and provide helpful information for your future job applications and interviews. Your personal brand is essentially how you promote yourself. By sharing relevant industry news with your network on LinkedIn or writing a blog that showcases your expertise will increase your visibility and make it easier for recruiters and future employers to find you. 

Keeping in touch with past and previous colleagues can also be a lucrative way of uncovering positions yet to go to market!

3. Purposeful positioning – Categorise your search

It’s important to have a clear goal and vision of what kind of role you are looking to obtain. Whether it be getting back into work, looking for that step up in your career or simply exploring the market. Either way, focusing your search on a specific role and industry can help provide substance to your search.

4. Getting your CV out there – Job applications 

With the current job market feeling the effects of COVID-19, job applications will be at a higher volume than ever which is why you must do everything to be visible and stand out from the crowd. It’s advised to follow all the guidelines surrounding the application which at a minimum will require your CV. 

Applications might also require a cover letter and answers to additional questions. Make sure these are tailored to the specific job you are applying to. If there is a contact name and number it is suggested to follow up with a phone call to verbally register interest and get ahead of other candidates.

5. Making the most of your time – Putting in the hours

The final point is arguably the most important factor in your job search. You have set yourself up and formulated a strategy, CV in hand, but after a few days those automated rejection emails could start to become the norm. Whether you subscribe to the ‘looking for a job is a full-time job’ model or simply apply yourself to intense block periods of time, it is important to stay positive, trust in your own ability and know that the next application could be the next step in securing your new role.  

Following these steps will make your job search easier, and if you are looking to take your next step, talk to a recruiter with experience in your industry. 

An experienced recruiter will be able to provide invaluable insights into the current job market, what employers are looking for, and how you can stand out in a crowded market, as well as talk about current opportunities.

For more help and advice in finding your next role, get in contact with one of our expert recruitment consultants.

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